Category: Game Engine

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If you long for the days of Caesar III you can rejoice with the FOSS game engine Julius

By Liam Dawe,
Caesar III is an absolute classic and you can play it on modern systems, like Linux, with the free and open source game engine Julius which recently had a big new release.

Adventure game creator 'Visionaire Studio' is coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Visionaire Studio, quite a popular game engine for creating adventure games is bringing the editor to Linux with the next planned release.

FOSS game engine 'GDevelop' has another release out, lots of new shader effects

By Liam Dawe,
GDevelop is a wonderful up-and-coming free and open source game engine, allowing you to create games using visual event-based programming as opposed to typing everything out line-by-line.

Exhumed/PowerSlave can now be played easily with a cross-platform game engine

By Liam Dawe,
Exhumed, also known as PowerSlave, a retro shooter from the 90s has been revived with the power of open source.

Open Fodder, the open source game engine for Cannon Fodder has a new release

By Liam Dawe,
Now this is some classic gaming. Cannon Fodder is a game I remember playing on the Amiga and it's being kept alive with a cross-platform open source game engine called Open Fodder.

FOSS game engine Godot Engine aiming for Vulkan support by 'mid 2020'

By Liam Dawe,
Juan Linietsky, lead developer of the FOSS game engine Godot Engine has written a retrospective article while also going over future plans for Godot Engine.

devilutionX, an open source game engine for the original Diablo sees a big release

By Liam Dawe,
devilutionX, based upon the reverse engineered code from Devilution, has a big 1.0 release for playing the original Diablo on modern systems.

GB Studio, a free and open source retro adventure game creator

By Liam Dawe,
Want to create your own seriously retro games? The free and open source GB Studio can certainly help you to do that.

Doomsday Engine for classic Doom, Heretic and Hexen has a new release out

By Liam Dawe,
Giving you another great way to play the classics, Doomsday Engine 2.2 has been released marking 20 years since the announcement of its creation.

Flax Engine 0.6 beta released, adds Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
Nice to see even more game engines add Linux support. Flax Engine is one we covered recently, after they announced their plans to support Linux and now it has arrived.

GemRB, the FOSS game engine for Bioware's Infinity Engine had a new release recently

By Liam Dawe,
Here's an open source game engine reimplementation you don't hear about much. GemRB, for Bioware's Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment games had a new release recently.

Fully supported Unity Editor for Linux delayed, Unity 2019.3 in the final testing stages

By Liam Dawe,
Two bits of big news about the Unity game engine to share today, one specifically about Linux and one about the Unity engine as a whole.

The second Beta of Godot Engine 3.2 is out with more WebAssembly work

By Liam Dawe,
Just over two weeks after the first, the second Beta for the big upcoming Godot Engine 3.2 release is now available.

Godot Engine has a new Platinum sponsor with gambling game dev Interblock

By Liam Dawe,
Good news for Godot Engine, as they have another company supporting their work on the free and open source game engine.

Time to play some classic Command & Conquer as OpenRA has a huge fresh stable release out

By Liam Dawe,
OpenRA, the free and open source game engine to bring classic Command & Conquer titles like Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Dune 2000 and eventually Tiberian Sun to modern systems has a big new release up.

Game dev: Flax Engine is adding Linux support in an upcoming update

By Liam Dawe,
Flax Engine, another game engine that supports Vulkan is going cross-platform with an upcoming release adding in Linux support.

The first Beta of Godot Engine 3.2 has been released

By Liam Dawe,
The team behind the FOSS game engine, Godot Engine, have now released the first Beta in the 3.2 series so the full release is coming close now with lots of new goodies for game developers.

FOSS game engine 'GDevelop' integrates the Yarn Dialogue editor in the latest build

By Liam Dawe,
Creating dialogue in your games with GDevelop just got a lot more advanced, as the team have integrated the Yarn Dialogue editor into their FOSS game engine.

The RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 open source game engine 'OpenRCT2' v0.2.4 is out

By Liam Dawe,
The team keeping RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 alive with the power of open source have pushed out another fine looking release of OpenRCT2.

Another OpenRA preview build is up needing testing, Tiberian Sun support is coming along

By Liam Dawe,
Work continues on the open source game engine OpenRA which allows you to play Command & Conquer, Red Alert and Dune 2000 on Linux and other modern platforms with support for Tiberian Sun progressing well.
Showing 200 to 220 of 380 entries found.